We use “Cyberplus Paiement” secured online payment service of OlkyPay to provide you a simple and secured online shopping experience.
Your card payment is made directly into our bank secured credit card online server.
At no time your card number will be made known to us
During your credit card payment, firstly, you will have to indicate your credit card number, the validity date and the number on the back of the card.
Then, the servers of authorization are consulted in order to verify the data and to prevent from the abuse and the fraud.
The transmissions are encrypted and all the exchanges are protected by the protocol SSL3 (Secure Socket Layer). Nothing passes through in the web of Hermine de Pashmina.
The icons displayed at the bottom of the page point out that you are in a secured part of our website.
Accepted payments:
- Bank credit cards (credit cards, Visa, Mastercard)